“Create Your Golf Dreams* 

The motivation to excel in golf begins with a dream. For many golfers, their dreams started early in life when they caddied for a parent and fell in love with the game. For others, they realized when they were young that they had enough talent and potential to play. Their desired dream then was to be the best they could be. For a dream to manifest, you have to put action into it…or it is just a wish.

The best golfers in the world have an intense desire to be great, which is fueled by their childhood dreams of winning their first junior tournament, becoming a club champion, winning a college tournament, or winning the US Open. Their childhood dreams fuel the drive to practice and play day after day and learn as much as possible about the game.

Great young Tour players like Jason Day, Jordan Spieth, Rory McIlroy, Michelle, and Lydia Ko do more than just dream about being great. Without the energy and desire to fulfill the dream, it is only a fantasy. The dream is the kindling wood, and the desire is the spark that starts the fire inside you. To become great it is your responsibility to feed the fire to make your dreams become real.

Dreaming is like plowing a field and sowing the seeds. The farmer prepares the soil and sows the seeds. The farmer waters them and pictures the crop. The farmer loves being in some small way a part of the creation of the fruits and vegetables The farmer watches what nature can do with dirt, water, and seeds and allows the seeds to sprout and grow. The farmer doesn’t look and say, “Those seeds aren’t sprouting. I guess they’re never going to. I was foolish to think they would appear.”

When your dreams are of playing to your handicap in every round, hitting perfectly on every swing, or winning a tournament aren’t fulfilled, do you give up and say, ‘It wasn’t meant to be. I’m not good enough?’ Worrying is dreaming in the wrong direction. It is the misuse of your imagination.

With the fulfillment of your short-, intermediate-, and long-range goals, you can have success sprout in its time. Have you been impatient about your dreams? A farmer has an idea of how long it will take for the crop to grow. You don’t have any idea of how long it will take for your golf dreams to grow to maturity.

When you dream of fulfillment of a desire, you give it a life of its own. Picture your dream. Be the best dreamer you can be. Have fun with your dream. Enjoy it. Don’t belabor it. Don’t give it a time limit. Allow your dream to be fulfilled in its time. Just as dances have different tempos, so do dreams.”

For complete explanations of setting goals, link on to www.positivementalimagery.com Get Ready for Success; Set Good Golf Goals, Newsletter January 2011 and Create a New Vision for Your Golf Game Now, Newsletter January 2013

*Excerpts are from Chapter 3: Goal Setting; THE HEART OF GOLF, Access Your Supreme Intelligence for Peak Performances”

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